Daily quiz - Answer 6 out of 8 questions correctly to get the most points
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View: 214
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San Francisco
Do not disturb
As soon as possible
I'm not available
The harvest
His flower
The bud
Sex and the City
How I Met Your Mother
Washing powder
Animal protection organization
Operating System
We die of poisoning
Our voices grow thin
We will have diarrhea
You have more knowledge than you realize. The world is full of fascinating facts, and your mind is a treasure trove of information waiting to be discovered. Challenge yourself with these 8 intriguing questions and see how much you really know!
Enjoy this quiz and test your brain. You need that kind of relaxation too.
What have you got to lose? So go ahead and try!
We promise you a few easy minutes. You deserve that much relaxation too.
What have you got to lose?
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